Join us for some old fashioned fun in the Children’s Games area behind the church!
Children’s Games
Compete in sack races, three-legged races, tug-of-war and more. Try your skill on the wooden stilts, aiming at the dunk booth or ringing the bell at the top of the greased pole.
Hay Rides
Free hay rides from 11:00-4:00 both days of Harvest Market. Pick up and drop off area located at the back of the Flea Market, at the edge of the large parking field.

Sawdust Candy Scramble
Held once on Saturday afternoon and once on Sunday afternoon, this popular fast-paced event is broken down into the following groups to make sure all ages have a fair shot at finding plenty of pieces of candy in the big sawdust pile: preschool & 1st grade; 2nd & 3rd grade; 4th & 5th grade; 6th & 7th grade; and 8th grade plus anyone who missed their slot. See the schedule page for the time.
Cross-Cut Log Sawing Competition
Whether you are competing or want to cheer the competitors on, come over to the cross-cut log sawing competition on Saturday beside the Children’s Games area. The saw is provided, and no experience is necessary – training is provided!!
See the schedule page for the time.
Inventor Mentor
We are very excited to have the Inventor Mentor joining us again to inspire young minds!
You can find out more on their website.